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Human Rights Management

MEMC Korea
Human Rights Statement

MEMC Korea, a global company leading the development of the wafer industry, will fulfill its responsibility by actively practicing human rights management stressing human dignity and value in all of management activities and promote sustainable development together with internal and external customers.

MEMC Korea respects and advocates the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) norm for human rights and will make much effort to prevent human rights violation in advance and proactively relieve human rights.

MEMC Korea will not accept workplace bullying by which the personalities of executives are ignored, by giving top priority to the policy for protecting their human rights.

In addition, MEMC Korea will take fair and rapid measures against workplace bullying, if any, according to relevant laws and strive to prevent the recurrence of bullying behavior.

MEMC Korea will provide best products for customers by promoting a mature company culture in which members respect and take care each other and do its best to be able to grow and develop together.

President/Human Rights Management Representative 조찬래