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MEMC Korea aims to achieve greater value for humanity and the earth.

MEMC Korea endeavors to generate more value for customers, shareholders, and society by implementing the principles of eco-friendly management (environment), corporate social responsibility (social), and increased transparency in corporate management (government) across all business sectors.
Our goal is to become a worldwide leader in high-tech materials, with technological prowess and ecologically conscious management.

MEMC Korea is shaping a safe, eco-friendly, and convenient future.

Since its establishment, MEMC Korea has persisted in embracing obstacles and evolving toward a brighter future for all.
We will keep pushing for our shared development on the foundation of sustainable management.

Core areas for attaining sustainable management and ESG management philosophy


  • Prevention of environmental pollution,
  • combating climate change, carbon emissions,
  • resource and waste management,
  • increasing energy efficiency,
  • safeguarding ecosystems, etc.


  • Human rights, gender equality and diversity, enhancing executive and employee competencies,
  • occupational safety and health,
  • data security, customer satisfaction,
  • contribution to local communities,
  • supply chain management, etc.


  • Protecting the rights and interests of shareholders, strengthening management transparency,
  • ethical management, combating bribery and corruption, fair competition,
  • legal compliance, etc.